Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm

The Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH (HJR) is part of the Süddeutscher Verlag media group and, with around 300 employees, is one of the leading providers of specialist media in Germany. The publishing programme, which is characterised by a high level of authoring competence and consistent customer orientation, has three focal points:
- law, legal and tax practice
- public administration/personnel
- security and logistics
Media on data protection and medicine round off the programme.
In this project, the focus was on the topic of quality assurance of digitised data. Error-prone and costly manual measures, which were carried out after a data delivery, were automated in this project.
Predefined "checking rules" were available in prose form (in writing in a Word document). These had to be implemented primarily in XSLT and validated with existing schemas.
Furthermore, a workflow was set up with XProc, with which intermediate steps for exports and reporting steps were flexibly built in and allow a flexible extension of the workflow.
With this project, the experience of parsQube in the areas of
- requirements analysis
- application development (XSLT, XProc, XSpec)
- Quality assurance (use of automated tests with Jenkins and Maven) and
- know-how in publishing
have flowed together and ensured the success of the project.